Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My 3 Pd Skill Areas Free Essay Example, 1500 words

In order to improve my skills in giving and receiving feedback, I intend to employ a number of tactics. First, I will ensure that I am always clear about what I say, as Banhegyi (2007) posts. I will also strive to always emphasize on the positive whenever I am communicating. Moreover, I will always strive to be specific in my communication to avoid any ambiguities. Additionally, I will try my level best to focus on the person's behavior and not the person himself. I will also strive not to keep referring to behavior that cannot be changed. In my communication, I will try to be descriptive as opposed to being evaluative. When giving feedback, I will always ensure that I own this feedback through the use of "I" statements. I will also avoid generalizations and instead ask for specifics. Finally, I will be very careful with any advice I receive to avoid making wrong decisions about issues. To improve my networking skills, I will first find out more about myself and my personality as su ggested by Catt and Scudamore (2000). I must make sure that the networking group I join matches my attitude and style. We will write a custom essay sample on My 3 Pd Skill Areas or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now I will also strive to have an agenda and well-set objectives whenever I attend networking events. Furthermore, I will make it my business to know my strengths so as to know what I can offer that no one else can. I must also endeavor to know my audience well so as to establish who needs to know about me to enable an easier achievement of my goals. I also realize that in improving my networking skills, I must always keep the welfare of others in my mind as opposed to always thinking about myself. Learning how to start a conversation will also be a top priority in my quest to improve my networking skills. In addition, before I join a group, I will ensure that the group is right for me and my business or career. I will then play an active role in such a group and not merely turn up for meetings. To improve my assertiveness, I will endeavor to have a secure and open body language as Banhegyi suggests.

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